Application to Arcada’s Swedish degree programmes is open 15–30 March 2023

Published: 14.03.2023 / Education

On Wednesday 15 March, the application to Arcada's Swedish-language degree programmes at both bachelor's and master's level begins. The application period lasts for two weeks until 30 March at 3 p.m. (Finnish time).

Arcada offers 15 bachelor programmes and one master programme in Swedish. The studies start in autumn 2023 and the application to the Swedish-language programmes is submitted through the joint application on Studyinfo External link.

If you have questions about the application, entry requirements or admission, please visit the page Gemensamma ansökan (in Swedish) or contact Arcada's Admission Services by email. Admission Servicse and our student ambassadors, who are happy to share their study experiences, can also be reached in the chat tool Unibuddy.

1561 kilometers from Helsinki to Ukraine documented by Arcada’s students

In the learning environments for media students at Arcada University of Applied Sciences, a 1561-kilometer charity relay is being transformed into visibility for the organisation “The Caravan to Ukraine”. Community engagement and making a difference are important, says the student team behind the editorial office.

Category: Education