
Arcada's educational and research activities are organised into three schools.
Arcada offers professionally oriented higher education. The research and development activities are an integrated part of the education and are focused on strategically selected profile fields.
Arcada's educational and research activities are organised in three cross-industry schools:
- Graduate School and Research
- School of Business and Healthcare
- School of Engineering, Culture and Wellbeing
In addition, each school has its own specific responsibility with the goal of enhancing different areas of development at Arcada as a whole. Each school is led by a dean.

Graduate School and Research
At the Graduate School and Research, we create knowledge and develop new sustainable solutions for society. In addition, the school works with international and Nordic academic partnerships. Our strategic partnerships build new bridges that promote both research and education.
Master's degree programmes
Arcada's master's degree programmes are aimed at those who want to grow in their professional role, expand their professional network and take the next step in their careers. We offer master's studies in Swedish and English in the fields of technology, business, culture and media, and social and health care.
Our flexible degree programmes can all be combined with full-time work and provide skills for future leadership and development tasks. The programmes are characterised by self-directed and active learning together with fellow students, teachers, researchers and representatives of working life. Competences in digital solutions and new technology are included in all programmes.
The other main focus of the school is on research. At Arcada, you will find innovative research environments in all of our areas of education with a focus on innovations in the business sector, the public sector and the third sector. The core areas of our research are technology-assisted health, reliable artificial intelligence and circular economy.
At the Graduate School and Research, researchers, teachers and students work side by side in various research, development and innovation projects that benefit society as a whole.
The research is conducted in networks with external actors in working life, research institutes and other higher education institutions, nationally and internationally, to respond to the future needs in various industries. As a multidisciplinary university of applied sciences, we prioritise interdisciplinary projects with collaborations across our programmes. At Arcada, we create smart solutions for a sustainable future.
School of Business and Healthcare
The School of Business and Healthcare calls for a constant update and acquisition of new knowledge and support the students to independence and responsibility. With a focus on curiosity, openness and teamwork, the school prepares the students for future career choices.
Exciting opportunities and an international atmosphere are at the centre of the programme in business. The aim is to educate internationally minded, innovative individuals with advanced professional skills. The programme also emphasises sustainability and leadership. The studies are conducted in close cooperation with companies, with a focus on multicultural teams and a global labour market. During their studies, our students acquire practical skills that enables them to take on demanding tasks at an early stage of their working careers.
Modern technology combined with a people-centred approach – our healthcare programmes prepare the students for meaningful and fulfilling work in diverse environments. Arcada offers programmes in nursing, public health nursing, midwifery and emergency care. We know that empathy and curiosity are the key to educating a knowledgeable and competent workforce that can seriously make a difference.
Arcada's award-winning simulation centre allows our students to develop their skills in a safe and controlled environment, making them sought-after professionals in the labour market. Several practical training periods reinforce the practical skills and the students get the latest knowledge directly from their field of work. Arcada is the only higher education institution that trains paramedics in Swedish in Finland, and we have an overall national responsibility to ensure that high quality care is offered in Swedish. We also offer a nursing programme in English and are proud of our international and multi-professional study environment.
What is more, the School of Business and Healthcare is responsible for continuing education at Arcada. The language unit is also part of this school.
School of Engineering, Culture and Wellbeing
The School of Engineering, Culture and Wellbeing provides skills for the continuing and multidisciplinary learning of the future. With openness and innovation as keywords, the school prepares tomorrow's experts for an ever-changing labour market.
Arcada's engineering programmes provide the skills to create sustainable and digital solutions for the needs of society and business. The students use several learning and simulation environments with tools for hands-on exercises, in addition to digital planning tools and learning platforms. Today and in the future, engineers need to be able to plan functions in a material and resource efficient way, as well as consider aspects that concern circular economy and digitalisation.
The degree programmes in culture and media inspires students to new levels of creativity and innovation in the cultural field. At Arcada, we see it as our mission and also bear the national responsibility to educate Swedish-speaking professionals for national and international careers in online media, film, television and cultural production. Through collaboration with leading professionals in the industry, we focus on the challenges and opportunities that exist in the rapidly changing culture and media industry. Arcada is one of four higher education institutions in Finland with official status as film and television school.
In this school, you can also find our programmes in health and welfare. We educate competent and engaged professionals within occupational therapy, physiotherapy, sports and health promotion and social services. In our programmes, we lay emphasis on sustainability, ethical awareness, health promotion and leadership so that our graduates will develop the skills required in their fields and also be able to drive development within these further.
The School of Engineering, Culture and Wellbeing is also responsible for coordinating the activities related to sustainable development at Arcada.