
1561 kilometers from Helsinki to Ukraine documented by Arcada’s students

In the learning environments for media students at Arcada University of Applied Sciences, a 1561-kilometer charity relay is being transformed into visibility for the organisation “The Caravan to Ukraine”. Community engagement and making a difference are important, says the student team behind the editorial office.

Category: Education

There is no age limit for saving lives

Being able to recognise an emergency, call for help and start resuscitation can be the difference between life and death in a sudden cardiac arrest. Arcada University of Applied Sciences participates in the Kids Save Lives project that teaches children how to act in emergency situations.

Category: Education

Nordic co-operation in new course at Arcada

During two weeks, students from Arcada University of Applied Sciences and Kristiania University College in Norway gathered for a new course in Integrated Business Planning. The course is a unique collaboration between the higher education institutions with the aim of exchanging cross-border knowledge in a new subject.

Category: Education

Arcada offers Ukrainian refugees preparatory studies for higher education

Along with eight other universities of applied sciences, Arcada offers Ukrainians who have fled the war a free-of-charge preparatory programme for higher education. The programme is made possible through the PrepProg project and with support from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Category: Education

Arcada supports athletes to combine top level sports with studies

Arcada's partnership with The Helsinki Metropolitan Area sports academy Urhea supports those who want to focus on their sports career and get an education at the same time. For the students, it's valuable to be able to get a degree while aiming for the medals.

Category: Education