
Cultural diversity in healthcare – the role of leadership and education

The shortage of nurses is a global issue that already threatens the ability to deliver safe and effective care. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this gap in the healthcare workforce, especially in Europe, could be characterised as a ‘ticking time bomb’ that could worsen health outcomes and, in extreme cases, lead to system collapse (WHO, 2022).

Category: Publication

1561 kilometers from Helsinki to Ukraine documented by Arcada’s students

In the learning environments for media students at Arcada University of Applied Sciences, a 1561-kilometer charity relay is being transformed into visibility for the organisation “The Caravan to Ukraine”. Community engagement and making a difference are important, says the student team behind the editorial office.

Category: Education

New forces guide the governing bodies at Arcada forward

The board of administration has appointed new chairpersons and members for the governing bodies of Arcada University of Applied Sciences. There will be clear continuity in the organisation as all chairpersons have previously held a position of trust at the UAS. At the same time, both the board of administration and the UAS's board are strengthened with new expertise.

Category: News

Habilitation as a natural part of a child's everyday life

Six-year-old Lina shows the application with the exercises she did during yesterday's speech therapy for her preschool assistant. A video clip recorded during the therapy captures Lina's communication training, allowing her to repeat the exercises at preschool together with her assistant. This integrated approach aids in further strengthening her communication training.

Category: Fundraising