With the world as her workplace

Published: 17.01.2018 / Education

After graduating as an assistant nurse Nimo Ahmed knew that she wanted to continue her studies and become a registered nurse. Arcada UAS has given her new motivation and combines theory with practice in a way that both inspires and challenges.

Speaking perfect Finnish, one cannot help but wonder why Nimo Ahmed chose the English degree programme in Nursing.
“The answer is simple: I like challenges and that’s why I knew I wanted to study in English. We constantly talk about Finland and the world becoming more and more international, and the field of health care is no different.”

Different cultures coming together under one roof

Nimo says she felt like home the first time she entered Arcada in 2016.
“The building is modern and have lots of open spaces. And it’s nearly impossible to get lost since everything is clear and there is always someone to ask,” she laughs.
Studying Nursing at Arcada UAS means being welcomed into an international atmosphere.
“After two years my classmates really feel like family. We come from all over the world with different backgrounds and you learn a lot – not just from the teachers – but also from each other and each other’s cultures.”
Nimo also points out the benefits of working hard to learn Finnish or Swedish.
“Even though we study in English you constantly need to work on your language skills. During the practical training you need to be able to communicate with both patients and staff in Finnish or Swedish, and besides the language courses given by Arcada it is important to be active yourself.”

Reading and “doing” part of every step of the degree

In the future Nimo sees herself working with clients in working life, maintaining their good health.
“I have a passion for how technology can be implemented in the field of health care and I’m always willing to try new methods. The facilities we have here at Arcada are simply amazing. In the Arcada Patient Safety and Learning Center APSLC we work a lot with simulation. This means we recreate actual cases and train on dolls in an environment that looks like nothing you’ve seen before – can you believe we actually have a miniature hospital inside Arcada UAS? Both reading and doing are part of almost every step of the degree as well as practical training, and for me personally this has been a perfect balance.”

With a bachelor’s degree in Health care from Arcada UAS Nimo is eligible to work anywhere in the world.
“I know I want to work closely with patients. Working as a nurse is hard work and not glamorous at all, but extremely rewarding. Psychology is a big part of the job – listening, understanding and wanting to do something meaningful. I truly have found my calling in life.” 

Read more about the degree programme in Nursing here.

There is no age limit for saving lives

Being able to recognise an emergency, call for help and start resuscitation can be the difference between life and death in a sudden cardiac arrest. Arcada University of Applied Sciences participates in the Kids Save Lives project that teaches children how to act in emergency situations.

Category: Education