Studying business offers something for everyone

Published: 11.01.2018 / Education

When studies go hand in hand with real working life – that’s when you are the most motivated. With a degree that makes her eligible for work anywhere in the whole world, International Business student Emma sees a bright future in HR and recruitment.

Being half-Finnish and half British, Emma Laaser always knew that she wanted to study in English.
- I’ve always been interested in international affairs and economy. Arcada caught my interest since the university is modern in both its communication and design, and I had friends going there telling me how much they like their studies.

After having worked a couple of years after finishing her secondary school, she can now implement a lot of her knowledge from working life in her studies.
-We started the first year with a course called Arcada 360, that had many internationally known companies coming to Arcada to tell us about their work. I find that amazing – big names giving their time to students, telling us about their backgrounds, Emma says.
- The IB studies are demanding but rewarding. You need to put a lot of effort in if you want to succeed, but everything you learn is something that supports your future job.

As an International Business student at Arcada you can choose one of four majors: Marketing, Logistics, Tourism and Financial Management. Additional course modules further increase your options and for Emma Financial Management was a clear choice.
-In the future, I want to work in Human Resourses and majoring in Financial Management supports this. I see myself changing the way we recruit employees today, and finding new ways to reach even better results.

Still, the most positive thing about Arcada, according to Emma, is the welcoming and open environment.
-Here, all degree programmes come together under one roof, you meet many new people and most importantly – you can be yourself here no matter who you are.
She is currently planning her exchange studies.
-The business world today is international – so there is no other choice than to be international yourself. I want to take advantage of the networks that Arcada UAS provides for student to do a semester abroad. I hope that I’ll be spending the next autumn in Holland.

Read more about the bachelor's degree programme in International Business here.
Application period 9.1-1.2.2018.

There is no age limit for saving lives

Being able to recognise an emergency, call for help and start resuscitation can be the difference between life and death in a sudden cardiac arrest. Arcada University of Applied Sciences participates in the Kids Save Lives project that teaches children how to act in emergency situations.

Category: Education