Tuition fees from autumn 2017

Published: 08.06.2016 / Education

Starting in 2017 the universities of applied sciences in Finland are required to collect a tuition fee for studies carried out in other languages than Swedish or Finnish. The fee applies to applicants from countries outside the European Union/EEA-area. Legislation also stipulates that universities of applied sciences establish a scholarship system.

Arcada will collect a tuition fee of 6.000 euros/academic year for bachelor’s degree studies in English (210-240 ECTS credits), starting autumn of 2017. Based on his or her study achievments, the paying student can be granted a scholarship from his or her second year. The scholarship will cover a maximum of 50 percent of the tuition fee.

A master’s degree programme (60–90 ECTS credits) at Arcada costs 4,500 euros/semester during the first academic year and then 2,000 euro/semester thereafter.

Arcada is known as an international university of applied sciences with many international degree programmes and students representing about 40 different countries.

“Arcada is an internationally attractive university of applied science. The tuition fees will be a measure of the universities of applied sciences’ global competitiveness and the reputation of Finnish education,” says Arcada’s Rector Henrik Wolff. “Arcada will continue to work on its international profile and attractiveness. Arcada competes by offering high-quality education, educational competence and a modern and safe campus in the capital area.”

Arcada offers bachelor’s degree programmes in English in International Business, Materials Processing Technology and Nursing, and master’s degree programmes in Media Management, International Business Management and Global Health Care. Arcada will also offer new degree programmes on a master’s level during the next few years, such as a degree programme in Real Estate Energy.

There is no age limit for saving lives

Being able to recognise an emergency, call for help and start resuscitation can be the difference between life and death in a sudden cardiac arrest. Arcada University of Applied Sciences participates in the Kids Save Lives project that teaches children how to act in emergency situations.

Category: Education