CP - North Research team

CP - North Research team
Gunnar Hägglund, Professor, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator in CP-North
Department of Clinical Sciences, Orthopaedics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Professor Gunnar Hägglund
E-mail: gunnar.hagglund
Ann Alriksson-Schmidt, Associate professor, PhD, MSPH
Member of management team in CP-North, team lead social outcome and public health,
member of dissemination and communication team
Department of Clinical Sciences, Orthopaedics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Johan Jarl, Associate professor, PhD
Member of management team in CP-North, team lead health economics
Health Economics Unit, Department of Clinical Science (Malmö),
Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Sanjib Saha, PhD
Member of health economics team, Health Economics Unit,
Department of Clinical Science (Malmö), Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Guro Andersen, Associate professor, MD, PhD
Team lead medical team in CP-North, Cerebral Palsy Registry of Norway,
Vestfold Hospital Trust, Tønsberg, Norway. Norwegian University of Science
and Technology in Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway
Reidun Jahnsen, Professor, PhD, PT
Coordinator of CP-North in Norway, member of dissemination and communication team
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Darina Steskal, PhD
Member of health economics team
Uni Research Rokkan Centre, Bergen, Norway
Sandra Julsen Hollung, MSc, PhD
Coordinator of CP-North in Norway, member of medical team
Cerebral Palsy Registry of Norway, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Tønsberg, Norway
Ira Jeglinsky, PhD, PT
Coordinator of CP-North Finland, team lead dissemination and communication
Arcada UAS, Institution of Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland
Matti Ahonen, MD, PhD
Member of medical team, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Helsinki Children’s Hospital,
Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki, Finland
Mika Gissler, Research Professor, PhD
Member of health economic team, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Knowledge Brokers, Helsinki, Finland
Markus Keski-Säntti, MSc
Member of health economic team, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Knowledge Brokers, Helsinki, Finland
Taru Haula, MSc, Doctoral student
Member of health economic team, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Centre for Health and Social Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Guðbjörg Eggertsdottir, MS, PT
Member of dissemination and communication team
SLF’s Rehabilitation Center – Æfingastöðin, Reykjavík, Iceland
Gudny Jonsdottir, MS, PT
Lead of reference group
Endurhaefing, Rehabilitation-Centre of Excellence, Kopavogur, Iceland
Tinna Laufey Asgeirsdottir, Professor, PhD
Coordinator of CP-North Iceland, member of health economics team
University of Iceland, Faculty of Economics, Reykjavík, Iceland
Bjarne Moeller-Madsen, Professor, MD, PhD
Coordinator of CP-North Denmark, member of medical team, member of dissemination and communication team
Department of Clinical Medicine, Health Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Childrens Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen, PT, Doctoral student
Department of Clinical Medicine, Health Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Childrens Orthopaedics, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Abdu Kedir, PhD
Member of health economics team
Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University
Ilaria Tresoldi, MD PhD
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Children Orthopaedics
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
Doctoral students involved
Derek Asuman, PhD student at Lund University. He´s research is focusing on the health economic aspects of CP in the Nordic countries, including labor market, educational outcomes and health services.
Amanda Burman Rimstedt, PhD student at Lund University. Her research focuses on pain in children and youth with disabilities, with a focus on children/youth with CP.
Noor Hussein, PhD student at Helsinki University. Her research focuses on pain in children and youth with CP.
Jessica Stockman, PhD student at Lund University, with the project "Orthosis use and comorbidity in individuals with cerebral palsy and myelomeningocele"
User boards
In every country involved there is a user board collaborating with the researchers.