Artificial intelligence

Project on trustworthy and efficient AI for cloud-edge computing

Humanity and trust are the prisms through which we see ourselves, others, and the world. It is the foundation upon which our civil society and democracy itself are built. Simply put, trust is, and has always been, the bedrock of our reality. In recent years, the rapid development of AI has challenged this very reality, because with immense possibilities and advantages comes equally immense challenges and risks.

Category: Artificial intelligence

Waiter please! The capable service robots Amy and Alex

In modern society we can find service robots deployed in various roles. The CASSIOPEIA research project has investigated the suitability of two service robots, Amy and Alex. The two robots have worked at the restaurant Prakticum, delivering food, desserts and appetisers. They have proven themselves to be quite capable, despite struggling to keep soup in a bowl. This blog post gives you the first reflective insights into our robot deployment study which we have been working on together with Prakticum.

Category: Publication

"Come on kids, let’s play”, says the robot – new Arcada project focuses on child-robot interaction

Already ten years ago Arcada set off its research in AI (artificial intelligence) and pioneered the field with a master's programme in Big Data Analytics. In recent years, Arcada further sharpened its focus in AI research by specifically focusing on ethical issues related to new technologies and on the interaction between humans and robots. So far, dentistry, elderly care, rehabilitation, and preventive health care have benefited from this research – and now the focus is set on child-robot interaction.

Category: Artificial intelligence