Arcada Student Union – ASK's 20 years become a chronicle

Published: 12.12.2017 / News

As Arcada Student Union – ASK celebrates 20 years, we will be treated to a rather unconventional chronicle of its history. Jeanette Harf has summarized the student union’s first two decades using pictures and articles, and the result is an exciting read that sheds light on both the festivities and day-to-day activities that have taken place throughout the years.

The work with the chronicle began already in April 2016, when Jeanette Harf was hired as the Anniversary co-ordinator responsible for collection 20 years of student union history.
“We’re not talking about a traditional chronicle,” Harf says. “Instead I’ve wanted to gather important happenings, people and events that have shaped ASK.”
Through interviews with e.g. honorary members, tutors and Arcada’s rector Henrik Wolff the readers are introduced to everything from union employees and sauna gatherings to student politics and a merrymaker or two.
“There are also articles about the ASK group fair where co-operation partners gather each year, the Council of elders and all the offices and logos that ASK has used,” Harf explains.
Interviews on the theme “friendship” tell stories of all the friends for life that have met thanks to the union. Harf has also interviewed Christian Lindberg about working as the union’s first chairperson.

Digital material meets paper

Harf has gathered the material on her own, which hasn’t always been easy.
“Today we’re so used to everything being saved digitally, but when I journeyed back 20 years in time it hasn’t always been quite as easy to find documents or the right people to interview. That’s why I’ve chosen to interview people that were active during different time periods, and luckily we have a rector that’s been active ever since the student union was born,” Harf adds.

Rewarding co-operation with Arcada

Throughout the chronicle the good relations between ASK and Arcada become evident.
“While working on the chronicle I’ve counted that ASK has had representatives in a total of 20 councils throughout the years, and has always participated in all departmental councils. The tradition of having breakfast meetings with the rector has also offered a direct contact point between the rector and the union, which can be considered rather unique.”
Harf also concludes that the support the student union workers have received from Arcada is clear to see.
“And I believe that most everyone who’s been working for ASK considers it extremely valuable that Arcada so actively has given its support and had confidence in them.”

The biggest difference between ASK of 20 years ago and today is the involvement in student politics.
“It used to be that the internal well-being of the members and events were in focus. Today the student unions in the country are run more professionally, and politics are higher on the agenda. Looking back at the various boards you can clearly see which ones have had a bigger focus on the students’ every-day life or student politics,” Harf concludes.

The student union has played an important part

For Harf personally, the student union has played an big role in her life. Especially between 2007 and 2010 when she were both the chair person, Cor-dinator for the new Cor-house and worked for the city council.
“It almost feels like I lived in the Cor-house during my most active years. And maybe it doesn’t come as a big surprise that I’ve both met my husband and that we got married here on campus,” Harf says with a laugh.

The chronicle about Arcada Student Union – ASK is called “ASK 20” and will be published both digitally and in print shortly. The chronicle has been funded by external funds and foundations.

New forces guide the governing bodies at Arcada forward

The board of administration has appointed new chairpersons and members for the governing bodies of Arcada University of Applied Sciences. There will be clear continuity in the organisation as all chairpersons have previously held a position of trust at the UAS. At the same time, both the board of administration and the UAS's board are strengthened with new expertise.

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