Camilla Wikström-Grotell
Vice Dean
Vice Dean Graduate School and Resaerch. Responsible for Academic partnerships. PT, Teacher in health care (M.Sc),
PhD Health Sciences. Affiliated researcher Mälardalen University.
Health promotion, health technology, social participation for vulnerable target groups and evidence-based health care are Camilla Wikström-Grotell's teaching and research areas. Wikström-Grotell's special interest is concept and theory development in physiotherapy as well as project management. She has participated in a number of international research groups in the areas of health and welfare with a focus on service development and in the field of higher education pedagogy. She also acts as international Higher Education Quality evaluater. Wikström-Grotell has been committed to the development of active, innovative and digital learning environments that support self-directed learning. Her ongoing project plans focus on the Nordic welfare model in a broad societal perspective and with a special interest in vulnerable target groups as elderly, young people and families as well as immigrants at risk of marginalization. On overall interest is the possibilities of multi professional teamwork and digital services in social and health care. As an author or co-author Wikström-Grotell has publications in the field of physiotherapy in international scientific and professional journals. In the field of higher education pedagogy she has participated both in scientific papers, as a book writer and in a number of reports and working papers.
Cigdem Baskici , Aydan Aytar, Halil Ersoy , Camilla Wikstrom-Grotell, Marina Arell-Sundberg, Hugo Neves, Veronica Coutinho, Aurelija Blazevicien, Alina Vaskelyt , Anne Söderlund, Johanna Fritz,
Raimonds Strods, Nora Jansone-Ratinika, Sultan Kav (2024). Being in the digital box”. Academic staff experiences in online practical teaching: A qualitative study from six universities and countries. Heliyon 10(2), 1-13.
Holopainen, R., Wikström-Grotell, C., Söderlund, A., & Hautaviita, S. (2023). Terveyden edistäminen, liikkuminen ja kestävä elämänmuoto. I. T. Konst, M. Kantola, A. Mutanen, & M. Friman (Red.), Kestävä elämänmuoto (s. 145-164). Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.… External link
Jansone-Ratinika, N., Surakka, J.,Wikström-Grotell, C. (2023) Best Practice Guide: Digital and blended teaching and learning of practical skills in social and health care (DITEPRACT). Arcada Publication 1, 2023.
Söderlund, A., Blazeviciene, A., Elvén, M. , Vaskelyte, Al., Strods, R., Blese, I., Paakkonen,l., Wikström-Grotell, C. (2023). Exploring the activities and outcomes of digital teaching and learning of practical skills in higher education for the social and health care professions: a scoping review. Discov Educ 2, 2 (2023).… External link
Isacsson, A., Wikström-Grotell, C., (2022). Hållbarhet och pedagogik vid yrkeshögskolor i Finland. UAS Journal 3/2022.… External link
Wikström-Grotell,C., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Asheesh, M., 2022. Comprehensive internationalisation – introduction to the issue. UAS Journal 4/2022.… External link
Holopainen, R., Söderlund, A., Wikström-Grotell, C (2022). Challenges around healthy habits and lifestyle – can you teach old dogs new tricks? Hälso- och välfärdsbloggen Arcada. 3.6.2022.
Kelly, O., Wikström-Grotell, C., (2022). Professional higher education in transition – an integrated value-based model for industry collaboration. Arcada Working Paper 2, 2022.
Wikström-Grotell, C & Kiukas, C (2022). What do higher education governing documents tell us about education for sustainable development. UAS Journal 3 / 2022. External link
Ståhl, T., Kiukas, C., Wikström-Grotell, C. (2022). Hållbar utveckling i lärosätenas styrdokument Hållbar utveckling i högskolornas styrdokument. Arcada Working paper 1/2022.
Holm C, Slotte S & Wikström-Grotell C. 2021. Creating space for global and intercultural competence development through curriculum design. Arcada Publikation 2/2021. Arcada UAS.
Lejonqvist G, Savolainen J, Wallinvirta E & Wikström-Grotell G. 2021. In Caritate Veritas – sanningen finns i kärleken. Vård i fokus 1/2021. Sjuksköterskeföreningen Finland.
Lejonqvist G, Savolainen J, Wallinvirta E & Wikström-Grotell G. 2021. Caritativt vårdande. Professor Katie Erikssons livsgärning. UAS Journal 1 / 2021. Arene ry.
Isacsson A & Wikström-Grotell C. 2021. Tunteiden merkitys kestävyysosaamisen kehittymisessä. E-signals. Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu.
Wikström-Grotell, C. 2021. Physiotherapy and physiotherapy education – from an international to a global and value-based perspective. Editorial. European Journal of Physiotherapy 3 (23). Pages 133-134.
Tana J, Mannevaara P, Jeglinsky-Kankainen I & Wikström-Grotell, C. 2021. Benefits of novel approaches for studying health behaviours. Hälso- och välfärdsbloggen, Yrkeshögskolan Arcada.
Wikström-Grotell, C & Hyde-Clarke, N (eds). Arcada 25 år - en internationell högskola med nordisk profil. Arcada Publikation 1 / 2021.Yrkeshögskolan Arcada.
Rosengren Å, Wallinvirta E, Kiukas C & Wikström-Grotell C 2020. Grupphandledning inom professionshögskolan - Studenters, lärares och arbetslivsexperters roll i handledningsprocessen. I: Työelämäpedagogiikka korkeakoulutuksessa. Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos.
Wikström-Grotell, Camilla, Hyde-Clarke, Nathalie 2020 (eds). Higher education during COVID-19 and future competences Arcada. Publication 1/2020. Yrkeshögskolan Arcada.
Slotte, Sandra; Wikström-Grotell, Camilla. 2020 Internationalisation in post-corona higher education: what will change? Arcada Working paper. Yrkeshögskolan Arcada.
Isacsson, Annica; Slotte, Sandra; Wikström-Grotell, Camilla 2020. Future work skills in higher education: learning to be an international intrapreneur . Haaga-Helia julkaisut, Haaga-helia ammattikorkeakoulu.
Lejonqvist, Gun-Britt; Wallinvirta, Eivor; Wikström-Grotell, Camilla 2020. IN CARITATE VERITAS - sanningen finns i kärleken: minnesbok tillägnad professor Katie Eriksson. Arcada publikation 2/2020. Yrkeshögskolan Arcada.
Nathalie Hyde-Clark (Ed.) & Camilla Wikström-Grotell (Ed.) Internationalisation and Higher Education: A Strategic Perspective. Arcada Publication 1 (2019).
Thomas Nilsson, Silvana Naredi, Camilla Wikström-Grotell, Peter Panduro & Hannie Lundgren. Yttrande över kvalitetssäkringsarbetet vid Sophiahemmet, Ideell förening för Sophiahemmet Högskola. (2019).
Jonas Tana; Camilla Wikström-Grotell. The digital revolution of social and health care – is education on track regarding big data? Hälso- och välfärdsbloggen. Arcada 14 maj (2018).
Camilla Wikström-Grotell. Social- och hälsovårdsreformen – hur förändras vården och utbildningen? Hälso- och välfärdsbloggen. Arcada 15 maj (2018).
Nathalie Hyde-Clarke (Ed.); Camilla Wikström-Grotell (red.). A Culture of Sustainability and Innovation in Professional Higher Education. Arcada Publikation 1. (2017).
Camilla Wikström-Grotell, Leena Noronen& Raija Lenné. Physiotherapy as an academic discipline- from the perspective of Nordic doctoral dissertations. European Journal of Physiotherapy. (Published online: 08 Sep 2017).
Gun-Britt Lejonqvist, Åsa Rosengren, Camilla Wikström-Grotell Evidens som grund för tjänsteutveckling inom social- och hälsovård. Arcada Working Papers 1 (2016): 6-15.
Ellinor Silius-Ahonen, Christa Tigerstedt och Camilla Wikström-Grotell. Kollektivt lärande och självstyrda lärprocesser. I: Pedagogik för högskolelärare / Thomas Hansson, redaktör. - 978-91-7844-937-8. - Möklinta : Gidlunds förlag (2016,):125-149.
Camilla Wikström-Grotell. Rörelse som värde, mening och känsla - mot en humanvetenskaplig idealmodell för fysioterapi. Akademisk avhandling. Vasa : Åbo Akademi, (2016).