International networks and projects

Arcada, as a relatively small university of applied sciences, strongly believes in the added value of collaboration. We work actively to open doors internationally.

By actively participating in various networks, we open up opportunities and promote cooperation and knowledge exchange. Collaboration takes place both within industry-specific networks and at university level.


Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ enriching lives, opening minds!


The Nordplus Higher Education Programme is the Nordic Council of Ministers' mobility and network programme in the higher education sector for the Nordic and Baltic countries.


Arcada is one of SeaFocus' academic partners. The partnership means that Arcada helps SeaFocus to further develop the Intelligence Hunt concept and to find the best resources for the companies participating in the competition by disseminating information about the project to the students.

NOSEVA - Nordic Social Design for European Values

The University Consortium NOSEVA will nurture and develop education and research, based on European values for health, well-being, a sustainable society, a greener future and a good, redesigned life, formulated in the Council conclusions on a European strategy empowering higher education institutions for the future of Europe.