Curiosity and diversity guide Arcada's academic year 2024-2025
Published: 05.09.2024 / Event
The academic year 2024–2025 was traditionally inaugurated with the opening ceremony on Wednesday, September 4, at Arcada. What makes this academic year special is that Arcada celebrates 20 years on the campus in Arabianranta.
The opening ceremony of Arcada University of Applied Sciences gathered nearly 200 first-year students, staff, and invited guests. The event could also be followed online.
Arcada’s rector, Mona Forsskåhl, opened the new academic year and highlighted curiosity as a fundamental prerequisite for new knowledge and innovation. In her speech, she emphasized the important role small higher education institutions play.
"The effects on society of an overly idealized focus on large, concentrated academic institutions can be undesirable on many levels. I dare to go as far as to say that it directly undermines both creativity and innovation," said Forsskåhl.
She also highlighted diversity and the importance of the breadth in industries, perspectives, and individuals that smaller institutions contribute to.
"We small institutions ensure that the research and innovation environment has the diversity that is so important for a vibrant and dynamic interaction of knowledge and science. Just like a thriving society or a competitive organisation, the higher education field needs diversity, healthy competition, and collaboration to raise the level of education, academic impact, and critical thinking in Finland."
The board's greeting highlighted strategic areas for the year
The Board’s greeting was delivered by Nina Lindfors, Vice Chair. She also emphasized curiosity and new knowledge, and summarized some of Arcada's focus areas for the year.
“To continue being a leading Swedish-language educational actor, ongoing strategic work is happening in many areas; updating competence-based curricula, active Nordic collaboration, strong research in human-centered AI, and the digital society, to name a few," Lindfors said in her speech.
The student union welcomed new students with a greeting from Abbe Karlsson, Chair of Arcada student union – ASK. He encouraged first-year students to make the most of everything the study time has to offer.
“Our commitment is what makes us special. We are here to learn, to grow and to support each other through it all. Together, we are not just building our future careers, but also fantastic memories," Karlsson said, welcoming everyone to the student community.
During the opening of the academic year, Arcada presents the annual award for Alum of the Year. The award is given to a person who serves as an inspiration to today’s students and who demonstrates broad commitment to the university. The 2024 Alumnus of the Year is Mikko Länsiluoto, Bachelor of Business Administration.
The celebration continues in November
The academic year 2024–2025 is special because Arcada is celebrating 20 years since moving to the campus in Arabianranta. On November 20, an open house event will be organized for everyone interested, with the opportunity to visit all learning environments and get to know Arcada's experts in various fields.
Read the speeches from the event by opening the attachments below.