Christa Tigerstedt

Principal Lecturer in Business Administration

Phone number:0294 282 529

(M.Sc.Econ, M.Sc.Ed)

Project researcher at Arcada in the following projects:

CASSIOPEIA, MäRI, AFORA, AI Driven Nordic Health and Welfare
Fields: human-centric AI driven systems, social robots, HRI

VAKEN, Educational and entrepreneurial cooperation in Future City: soft skills and future work force

Visiting lecturer (more frequent): Åbo Akademi University, University of Helsinki, University of Alicante

Link to publications: 1)… External link
2)… External link
3) A. Majd, D. Biström, Ch. Tigerstedt and L. Espinosa_Leal, “Social and Service Robots Deployed for Social Distancing -- Optimization and Placement,” International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2021.