Möt våra talare under seminariet "Hälsofrämjande genom rörelse, aktivitet och glädje under hela livet"
Talare under seminariet
Per Nilsson

Per Nilsson är rektor för Gymnastik- och Idrottshögskolan i Stockholm. Han är professor i pedagogik och ordförande i Kommittén för främjande av ökad fysisk aktivitet,. Per är även medlem av Högskolestyrelsen Arcada och sitter i Norges idrottshögskolas styrelse.
Elina Engberg

Elina Engberg, PhD, is a senior researcher at the Folkhälsan Research Center in Helsinki and holds the title of Docent in Physical Activity Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki. She is the project leader and Co-Principal Investigator of the SUNRISE Finland study, which examines movement behaviours in early childhood. Her research focuses on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep, as well as their sociodemographic inequalities and associations with physical and mental health.
Karin Kjellenberg

Karin Kjellenberg, PhD in Sport Science, is a researcher at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH), Stockholm, Sweden. She recently defended her doctoral thesis, focusing on the associations between physical activity, fitness, screen time, and healthy brain functions (mental health, cognitive and academic performance) in adolescents. Her main research interests include promoting health and well-being in children and adolescents, with a particular focus on physical activity and nutrition.
Arto Pesola

Dr. Arto Pesola is an exercise physiologist and the director of the Active Life Laboratory at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences in Mikkeli, Finland. His research focuses on developing wearable electromyography and accelerometry technologies, along with advanced analytical methods, to identify and promote muscle activity profiles beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Katri Ruutu

My name is Katri Ruutu. I am an exercise physiologist working as a senior lecturer in sport sciences at Arcada University of Applied Sciences and as a doctoral researcher in Folkhälsan Research Center. My research interests lie in physical activity and exercise in aging population and the topic of my doctoral dissertation is the effects of physical activity and exercise on biological aging in late midlife and old age.
Johanna Fritz

Johanna Fritz, PhD, senior lecturer in physiotherapy, is a researcher and teacher in physiotherapy at School of Health, Care and Social welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
Her main interest lies in the integration of a behavioural medicine approach in physiotherapy, particularly with regard to the implementation in clinical practice. Her research is about developing and evaluating methods to support implementation of a behavioural medicine approach in physiotherapy.
Daniela Eklund

Daniela Eklund has a PhD in exercise science from the University of Jyväskylä. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the physiological adaptations and changes in metabolic health in response to different combined strength and endurance training interventions. She has worked with health promotion initiatives both in a practical context as well as within research and she is passionate about seeing research results being translated into real-world applications
Caroline Eklund

Caroline Eklund, PhD in Physiotherapy, Researcher, Senior lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health, Care and Social welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, has her research within the health- and welfare technology area with special interest in how web-based interventions/solutions can support behavior change in several ways. Stress-management, sedentary behavior and physical activity is her main interest within health-related behavior change.
Johan Bäckman

Johan Bäckman, Projektkoordinator, Folkhälsan, Socionom, har erfarenhet av utvecklingsprojekt, kontinuerlig förbättring samt inkludering inom utbildningssektorn.
Anna Duberg

Anna Duberg, MD i Hälsovetenskap. Forskare vid institutionen för Hälsovetenskaper på Örebro Universitet. Grundare av Dans för Hälsa och ansvarar för dess metod och kurser. Arbetar även som forskningshandledare på Universitetssjukvårdens forskningscentrum och är innovationscoach vid Innovationsteamet, Region Örebro län. Grundtjänst som legitimerad fysioterapeut inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin, Region Örebro län.
Malin von Koskull

Malin von Koskull är spec.sjukskötare och HVM med lång erfarenhet av att leda projekt som främjar hälsa för olika målgrupper. Malin jobbar som verksamhetsledare på Folkhälsans förbund.
Sofia Höglund

Sofia Höglund är fysioterapeut med speciellt intresse för äldres hälsa och välbefinnande. Sofia jobbar som projektledare för projekt Rörelseglädje 65+ på Folkhälsans förbund och avlägger som bäst magisterexamen inom hälsovetenskaper vid Åbo Akademi.
Riikka Holopainen

Riikka Holopainen, PT, PhD, lecturer, works currently as a researcher, lecturer at University of Jyväskylä and clinical physiotherapist at MoveDoc Oy. Her research interests are musculoskeletal pain, therapeutic alliance and communication as well as implementation of evidence-based practice. She was designated specialist in pain physiotherapy in 2018.
Petra Tommolin

Ekonomiemagister, företagsfysioterapeut
28 års erfarenhet inom rehabiliteringsbranchen
(4 barns mamma)
Slogan: Always look at the bright side of life
Anne Söderlund

Anne Söderlund, PhD, professor in Physiotherapy with behavioral medicine profile, School of Health, Care and Welfare, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden. She is also affiliated professor at Arcada University of Applied Sciences.
She is member of the European Pain Federation Academy Board, and an Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Physiotherapy. She is a leader of a multidisciplinary group, BeMe-Health of 20 researchers. Her research area is on prevention, treatment, and evaluation of health problems from a behavioral medicine perspective in the physiotherapy framework.

Eva Roos, Folkhälsan, specialsakkunnig, seniorforskare på Folkhälsan

Anne Söderlund, Mälardalens universitet

Mikaela Wiik, Folkhälsan, sakkunnig i arbetsvälbefinnande på Folkhälsan

Camilla Wikström-Grotell, Arcada